Jagtex II CONC was developed as a combination anti-redeposition agent used in garment wet processing.
Jagtex II CONC is particularly useful in reducing the backstaining of indigo and sulfur dyes onto synthetic fibers and the undyed portions of the garment.
Jagtex II CONC also improves the contrast between the abraded and dyed sections of the garment. Jagtex II CONC is a product intended for dilution before using.
Typical steps where Jagtex II CONC might be added are desize, abrasion, and wash-off.
Due to the high concentration and effectiveness of Jagtex II CONC use levels are typically a third of the normal use levels of most other anti-redeposition agents.
Depending upon conditions, a normal use level of 0.1 - 0.5% owg is adequate for controlling backstaining on both cotton and polyester.