Ultrabind BDB is categorized as a soft acrylic film former.
Ultrabind BDB forms a film to help strengthen woven and nonwoven fibers and provides a soft hand to pigment dyed garments while at the same time controlling dye migration during drying.
Strength Enhancer for Resin Systems
Provides a Soft Hand
Controls Migration During Dyeing
Dye Fixative for Pigments
For softening garments typical use levels are 0.50 - 4.00% o.w.g., dependent on the fabric weight.
The pH of the softener bath should be between 4.0 - 6.5, and the temperature should be 90 - 140°F.
Depending on pH, maximum exhaustion will be obtained in 4- 7 minutes.
For strength enhancement 2-8% acrylic may be used on the weight of bath for use in resin finish systems.